Pepe The Dog

Ultra rare lab grown frog dog. Created by the DNA of Pepe and a random dog from the favela (or slums, idk). Shares the same CA with the original PEPE: 0x698...933


Pepe The Dog is tired of.. wait he is lab grown, he cant be tired. Anyways. He is tired of watching everyone play hot potato with the endless PepeShibDaddyMotherBeerGME coins. The big ballers have had their day. It’s time for the most recognizable meme in the world to take his reign as king of the memes.

Pepe the dog is here to make Shitcoins great again, by repeating what Pepe the frog has done. Starting with the CA.




Supply: 420,690,900,000,000

0% Tax

100% LP burnt


Pepe The Dog is a meme coin with no intrinsic value or expectation of financial return. There is no formal team or roadmap. the coin is completely useless and for entertainment purposes only.

wow if u read this type /frogs_are_gay in the tg chat